Customer Experience Brunch

Customer Experience Brunch

In-person Event | Create seamless and effortless, high-quality customer experiences in every channel

Engage with your customers!

The Customer Experience Brunch is back for its 3rd edition. This time, back to normal and in person!

Consumers are increasingly demanding and digital, so the event will focus on the importance of brands ensuring an efficient journey through every channel. 

We got you covered from DXPs, CRMchatbots, e-signatures, and much more... Learn how to convert and engage effortlessly with customers. 

This year we also bring the topic of Cybersecurity. The successive cyber attacks brought the question: "Is our customer's data really protected?"

Join us, and let's learn from each other experiences! 

Save your seat today!

Save your seat! 

May 17 | 9:30 GMT+1 | Altis Belém Hotel - Lisbon

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09:30 | Check-in & Brunch 
10:00 | Welcome
Speaker: Ricardo Rocha (Noesis) & Rodolfo Pereira (Noesis)
10:05 | Roundtable: Personalized Service: How Companies can tailor their strategies to create loyal customers
Moderator: Sérgio Fernandes (Noesis) Speakers: Alexandre Lourenço (Ageas); Hugo Ferreira (Oney Bank)

10:35 | Coffee Break

10:45 | Keynote: The Importance of OmniChannel
Speaker: Rodolfo Pereira (Noesis)

11:10 | Roundtable: Building Security into the customer experience Journey
Moderador: Bruno Horta Soares (IDC ) Speakers:  José Gomes (Noesis); Manuel Dias (Microsoft Portugal)

11:45 | Closing & Networking

12:00 | Demo Stations
Talk with experts and get to know Customer Experience's State-of-the-art technologies.



Altis Belém Hotel
Doca do Bom Sucesso,
1400-038 Lisboa
Altis Belém Hotel

Organized by


The best moments of the last edition!