01 July 2019

Field Services to enhance cloud and connectivity, in IT Insight

Rodolfo Luís Pereira, Enterprise Solutions Director, shares in July IT Insight the benefits of Connected Field Services for all types of organizations.

"From the simplest to the most complex, daily tasks depend on a set of infrastructures and equipment that support the full operation. Maintenance and logistics are decisive in the activity, with a direct influence on the efficiency and success of operations.

On final consumer's side, a service with quality assurance is essential - a bad experience with a brand can lead a customer to withdraw completely. Failures in maintenance, customer support and general follow-up after purchase or subscription are among the main factors of dissatisfaction in service contracts. This shift in expectations has led organizations to a model in which the need for maintenance and management mechanisms arises at all stages when creating a product or service. "

To read in full in the July IT Insight!
2019 07 01 Field Services Para Potenciar Cloud E Conetividade In IT Insight