With 2024 coming to an end, so is UPNDO’s fourth and final campaign of the year – Health & Wellbeing – where we walked, runed or cycled to support two remarkable NGOs: Liga Portuguesa Contra o Cancro, founded in 1941, which promotes prevention, diagnosis, treatment, and support for cancer patients, and Sociedade Portuguesa de Medicina do Estilo de Vida, which aims to promote a healthy lifestyle as a key and fundamental tool in managing chronic non-communicable diseases. We these final three months, we covered more than 33 thousand km throughout this all year. We gathered more than 216 participants, and we spent more than 47 thousand hours being active. More than 160% were above the recommended daily activity average, 90% moved at least 15 minutes and 97% of participants moved every single day!
The “Wellbeing Seekers,” those who completed the most daily goals and moved overall the most were Joaquim Silva, in first place, followed by Joel Ponte and finally, Roberto Farinha. They surely put on the company jersey, and nothing could stop them. Throughout this year we’ve supported several NGOs and that was only achievable because of the efforts that everybody made. Inspiring Girls, Ocean Alive and Liga Para a Proteção da Natureza, were the NGOs who got the most donations in 2024, with 25%, 13% and 13%, respectively.
We are very thankful and honorable to be part of this project and it’s valid until December 20th. Because of that, we are extremely pround to continue to do exactly that. So, for the next “season” we are ready the enroll once again on this journey and start walking, running or cycling for a good cause.
Let’s make the world a better place.