Lights and Technology
24 March 2022

4 Marketing Tendencies for 2022

In the increasingly digital world, companies must start from the premise that they will be attacked one day and develop a culture of cyber defense.

By Ricardo Rocha, Marketing & Communications Director at Noesis 
Over the last year, we have seen a solid digital acceleration in all sectors of society, and the marketing area has not escaped the rule. Channels, tools, and strategies used by the most competent Marketing departments fell into the background and were replaced by more disruptive ideas based on technology and digital, bringing companies closer to their audiences. 
2022 will be a year that promises to increase the flow of digital communication intensely. It will be a crucial year for organizations to look at data and artificial intelligence as a determining factor in decision-making and improving customer experience. 
Analyzing these recent times, what could be the decisive trends for organizational success in the near future? I identify four Marketing trends for 2022. 

Video is no longer a trend, it’s already a certainty. However, it’s not only based on the adoption of video format on websites, blogs, or social networks. New, increasingly democratized, and practical formats must be explored, such as short-form videos. This type of video, very short, is increasingly powered by the distribution platforms, such as Tik Tok, Instagram Reels or YouTube Shorts, and even Linkedln is already looking for new ways to enhance this format, after the failure with their “stories”. According to “HubSpot Blog’s 2022 Marketing Industry Trends Survey”, “51% of marketers who use short-form videos plan to increase their investment in this format by 2022”. 


Data-driven marketing isn’t a new concept, but many marketers do not yet take advantage of this “philosophy”. In 2022, it will be essential that they do so! Being data-driven involves guiding all your actions and decisions through the data. Intuition and guesswork are set aside, and we only look at analytical evidence. 

The application of this concept in Marketing involves, for example, the adoption of Customer Relationship Management and Automation Marketing tools capable of, on the one hand, recording all interactions with prospects, leads, and customers, and, on the other hand, automating touchpoints due to these same interactions and the “position” of Lead in Marketing Funnel. In the background, monitor and nurture Leads throughout the qualifying journey. 

Virtual assistants take on an increasingly important role. They create a solid and coherent relationship between the brand and the public, and enable a fast and efficient service, able to respond to the demands and needs of consumers 24 hours a day. 

Using Artificial Intelligence and natural language mechanisms, these tools have become fundamental in the pandemic period and will continue to assert themselves in 2022. According to the Statista platform, the global chatbot market in 2027 will represent approximately 400 million dollars. 

With the pandemic still to be closed, the future of work appears increasingly hybrid, which will be another of the main trends for 2022. As in the future working models, interaction with customers and potential customers will also be increasingly hybrid, i.e., a mixture between digital and face-to-face contact. It’s essential to understand how the customer feels more comfortable and safe to connect with the company and which channel is most efficient in each interaction. 

One thing is sure: the future, although unpredictable, will bring many new features in 2022. Technological developments, combined with changes in consumer habits and behaviors, will continue to shake up the business ecosystem and demand creativity and agility from marketers. 
Published (in Portuguese) in Briefing