We already know it, we've lived it, everyone talks about the “new normal.” New times and habits, more or less forced, new interaction dynamics, are more or less demanded and demanded daily.
By Rodolfo Luís Pereira, Enterprise Solutions Director at Noesis
With the covid-19 pandemic, we had the opportunity to witness, over the last year, an unprecedented globally critical situation. To slow down or prevent the spread of the new virus, the vast majority of governments implemented harsh containment measures, which led to a radical transformation, not only in the business world but also in all branches of society - experts like calling it the “New Normal.”
In just over six months, the world has changed. Day-to-day habits and work habits, which we considered acquired, became obsolete, forcing us to adapt to new tools, techniques, and disruptive methods. Digital became part of our family, in the sense that everything we were used to was transferred online, from monthly purchases to movies or buying a book.
The truth is that in the “post-pandemic,” nothing will be the same as before. In companies, we went from a reality of installed capacity to total capacity, where telework is a necessity and a trend, which is here to stay. This same telework, in turn, amplified the concept of employee mobility, radically transforming the context and culture of many organizations. In this sense, it is essential to reinvent how we communicate, work, and share content.
The democratization of technologies such as 5G and WIFI-6 will further enhance the exchange and experience of content on collaborative platforms. Concepts such as holograms, telepresence, augmented reality environments, and your ability to interact with humans, increasingly cybernetic, will undoubtedly mark the coming years. Thus, organizations, especially those that focus on the development and marketing of services, have to abandon, without any fear, the traditional ways of approaching their customers, suppliers, and employees, or they will be outdated in the market.
Therefore, managers must adopt innovative, disruptive, and out-of-the-box thinking concerning the organization's cultural identity. Logically, embracing a cultural identity of this type poses risks, but a more significant risk will be losing talent and customers or not being competitive and attractive to both in the future.
In this way, we understand that having absolute mobility in the work functions we perform today can make us more productive and connected. Having the possibility to do essential training considering our skills, while going shopping or picking up our children from school is an opportunity never seen before. It is vital to be happy, but at the same time to be effective in an irreversible virtual revolution in the workplace.