The Iberian Market Operator - Portuguese Pole (OMIP) awarded Altia the OMIPSu project, aimed at defining, developing, and implementing a platform for monitoring the energy markets managed by the regulator.
The platform, implemented by Altia, will allow the operator to monitor the markets managed by OMIP, through data analysis and processing, such as prices, volumes, and market shares. In parallel, this platform allows monitoring procedures and indicators to be implemented - detection and evaluation of occurrences - as well as carrying out incident analysis and investigation. Finally, it will facilitate the regular production of ad hoc activity reports.
With this project, Altia will provide OMIP with a platform to analyze data in real-time and in market replay mode, allowing market data analysis, thus complying with the European regulations in force.
The project design consists of three parts. Firstly, the development of a back-end, which collects and processes all the market data from OMIP's messaging system; second, the creation of a control panel that displays data and statistics in real-time; lastly, the design of a front-end for the customization of the interface and visualization of the processed data.
The installation of this platform will allow OMIP to achieve compliance with the European regulation concerning market abuse, integrated into Regulation (EU) No. 596/2014, which ensures the proper functioning of a market free of manipulation and insider trading.