The Portuguese company, which is now a “Role Model” in this region, is currently an exclusive SELECT Circle member in the national territory. According to Alexandre Pereira, responsible for the Noesis Data Management & Protection unit, “the status of a partner, which results from work carried out with excellence and proximity, is something we are particularly pleased with. We hope that this partnership will develop in the future, allowing better service to Noesis and Fujitsu customers ”. The distinction, now handed over to the Portuguese technology company, focused on the fulfillment of the Turnover objectives in the last semester, in addition to the increase in the pipeline for the next quarters by about three times.
The collaboration that Noesis establishes with its partners is of great proximity and mutual transmission of knowledge. The announced results will contribute to the reinforcement of Noesis' skills not only in terms of their offer, but also of the distribution and commercialization skills of Fujitsu's solutions in Portugal.
Fujitsu's recognition of Noesis is the result of an annual analysis, the FUJITSU SELECT Circle Japan Incentive 2016, which aims to determine the top five partners annually.